Charles, aka Chuck, says "hello"
I had a wonderful email from Aunt Kay's Charlie, and he asked me to share some photos with everyone since he can't post anything. (I'm sending him an invitation to join us, so hopefully you'll soon be hearing directly from him.) This is what he wrote:
Hi Sandi
My brother, Herb from Colorado showed me the family website and it is fun to see all the Jersey Neuhaus'es I grew up with, including your Mom, Uncle Herb, and my Aunt Marion.
Just for clarification, I am the Charlie Neuhaus living in Massachusetts, son of Auny Kay and Charles. Some of the family think of me as "Chuck"Here are some pictures of my wife Roberta, daughter Sophia (17--leaving any minute now for college), and son Nick--16, in high school.
Good job on the website, and sorry I missed the reunion.