Tuesday, May 01, 2007

April's 3 Truths and a Fib

Well guess what I did this all by myself!!!!! Don't ask me how, I tried all last night and couldn't get on no matter what I tried. I'm not sure what worked but something did so here I am.
I miss all of you, (why did my font change?) Iam looking forward to our next get together. Anybody looking to come down to Florida, come on down. Thats an open invition.
I'm going to list my truths before something happens okay?

1/ Tax Season is officially over but I still have taxes to do and Grandmom might be coming down.

2/ I just received my Hurricane shutters , the frame work is installed and I know how to put them up,so what did I do but decide to have all my windows replaced.

3/Bobby and I have something in common. I'm getting a dog - one like Gator.

4/ I've applied for goverment assistance.

I'm going to post before I change my mind. You all have to tell me I did okay. Love you April

i'm going to post


Sandi said...

Congratulations, mom. Good posting. (You know you could have called me and I would have helped...)

sean & kelly said...

well Sandi, you didn't guess,is that because you already know?! Aunt April, I'm sure you are still working on taxes, and # 2 & # 4 you can't really make up. I dont see you wiyh a big dog though, I think thats the fib! Although, I am re-reading your post, do you really know how to put the shutters up? Take care!

Charles Danielle & Cassie said...

Well well Aunt April, All of your post are plausable. Kelly makes a good point abount the shutters and I recall a comment you made to me at the family reunion," I can't put anything together without help" . And for the big Dog, I'm not sure, I am going with the shutters. Love ya And we all miss you.