Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hey everyone from the Alspach Family :)

Hi everyone,

Wow, I have to agree what a great idea... Leave it to Sandi to come up with such a creative idea. We are so looking forward to the Family Reunion. We had a wonderful time at Lori's Wedding, and just know that the reunion is going to be just as fun. So, onto what's going on in our neck of the woods. We are very thankful that Hurricane Katrina decided to go to the west of us, although it was just a little too close for comfort. A lot has been going on in our lives the past few months... Let me see were shall I start. I guess, I will start with Ralph. Ralph has decided to venture out and start his own shell contracting business, so that is keeping him extremely busy at the moment well, I guess I should say actually busy all of the time. I am very proud of him and have no doubt in my mind that he is going to succeed. Next Monday, September 5th, Ralph and I will be celebrating our 7th Wedding Anniversary, and 12 years that we have been together. It is amazing how time flies. It seems just like yesterday that Cari , Becky, & P.J. were walking down the isle at our wedding. Now onto our boys, I will start with the twins, Tyler and Trevor. They are 5 years old now and just started Kindergarten, after a rough first few days, I can gladly say that they love it now. They are playing football, and are really into it, as are Ralph and I, we enjoy watching them play just about as much as they enjoy playing. Last but not least is our baby Ethan, he is just such a joy, a wonderful, happy baby. He just turned 8 months old on the 27th and is crawling around and walking around on furniture. He just wants to keep up with those brother's of his so bad. I am really glad that we have this wonderful way to keep in touch.
Much love to everyone,
Ralph, Laurie, Tyler, Trevor, & Ethan


Gail and Herb said...

I was so glad to see you on, I,m still getting E-Mails to Sandi Love Aunt Gail6

Sandi said...

Ralph & Laurie: I'm so glad that you guys joined us. It's so easy to lose track of each other. I just can't believe that Tyler and Trevor are already 5 years old! And I haven't gotten to see Ethan yet -- he looks just as adorable as his brothers. I'm glad you posted pictures.

I want to see T & T in their football gear; I bet they're cute! PJ wanted to go out for the football team at school (he started high school this year), but I have to admit that I was glad when he changed his mind. The only football PJ's ever played were backyard pick-up games. In fact, the one time they played football in school (for a field day), PJ ended up fracturing his arm. I had visions of big, husky high-schoolers charging after my scrawny baby (remember, this is from a mother's perspective). Anyway, PJ's decided to just do the baseball.

Ralph, the best of luck in your new business. It's not easy to start up a company, but I know that you're going to do great. Keep us informed of all your happenings! (And if you're ever over in this area visiting Laurie's family, the kids and I would love to get together with you.)

Ralph, Laurie, Tyler, Trevor, & Ethan :) said...

I believe that the next time we will be down, will be for Christmas and we will most definately get together with you all (Aunt April as well) maybe even Cathy and Orlando. We have not seen them in a while either. Yeah, I hear ya about the football, the boys played T-ball last fall, which they loved. We are having them just try out all the sports and then they can pick the ones they like the best to play. We miss you all.
Love, Laurie

Cathy said...

Ralph & Laurie,
Wow the boys have grown since the last time we saw them. Somehow I'm not surprised that they're into football (taking after daddy, I bet)
Ralph - lots of luck with your new business...I know you'll make it succeed.
When you come to town to visit Laurie's family let Sandi know. I'm not at CEC anymore, so if you bring the kids there I won't see you.

Cathy, Orlando & Nyssa

Ralph, Laurie, Tyler, Trevor, & Ethan :) said...

Oh my, not at CEC anymore, that was half of the fun, just getting to see you while we were there and catching up. Oh well, we will of course still be going to CEC but it just won't be the sane without you there. I bet you had all you could take of that place? Huh!! It can get crazy there.. We will let you guys know when we will be down next, so we can all get together. Looking forward to it.
Love, Laurie

Gail and Herb said...

We are trying to get some dates for the reunion. Last weekend of July, 1st weekend in Aug . or the holiday weekends, Can,t wait till next summer.

Ralph, Laurie, Tyler, Trevor, & Ethan :) said...

Aunt Gail & Uncle Herb,
Our vote would probably be for July 4th weekend as well. That way we can make it a long weekend, and the boys will not have started school, but anytime before school starts in the beginning of August would work for us. It is going to be fun. I know that we have started talking about taking a weekend trip as well sometime in the near future to go and check out Chey & Amy's new property. We are excited to see that as well. If there is anything we can do to help please let us know. As far as David, Danny, and Chris we do not have any current E-mail add. for them, but that is something we can check with them on. I did have one for David but it is no longer valid. We miss you guys. :)

Gail and Herb said...

Boy !this is so much fun, I love going on everyday to see what everyone has written. Its a shame that so much time has passed with out hearing from some family members. Having the computers is wonderful. Miss you too , Love Aunt gail

Cathy said...

Nyssa, Jessica, Cat and I stopped in CEC tonight to see one of their friends (Sean). You're boys are going to love it next time you take them there. They have finally begun the expansion that was supposed to happen last November. There will be a total of 3 game rooms and 1 show room. I can't wait til its finished, they're supposedly putting in a giant rocking horse I want to ride. The expansion is part of why I decided to leave...that and the insane hours. But at least when you guys visit next time, we can actually have a normal conversation without some crisis interrupting us. Miss you


Gail and Herb said...

Hey guys what is CEC, it sounds like a fun place, just being nosey LOL. Love A G

Sandi said...

Aunt Gail, CEC is Chuck E. Cheese. It took me a few minutes the first time I read the posts because I never thought about abbreviating it CEC either!