Sunday, August 28, 2005

Greetings From Charles and family

Hello all, this is such a good way to keep each other updated on the events in our lives, cause it isn't always easy to keep in touch these days! Anyway, Cassie is doing great! She's standing on her own, walking a little on her own, crawling, and sleeping through the night! She is growing soooo fast! But we are having such fun with it all, it really is a gift being parents. Charles recently had some minor surgery to have a sebaceous cyst removed, but is recovering nicely, and Danielle recently went back to work waitressing a couple of nights a week. Here are some recent pics of us, and we hope to see you all soon!


Sandi said...

Oh, I love these pictures ... especially the one of the three of you! Cassie really is adorable. I miss having a little one around. (NOT that I want grandchildren anytime soon -- I think I'm still too young for that.)

I'm still smiling every time I think of what a proud papa you are, Charlie! I just never pictured you crawling around on the floor, getting excited about a game of peek-a-boo.

Are you doing anything with your art? Even just as a hobby? I hope so. I keep trying to push some artistic talent onto my children, but the only one whose cooperated so far is Cari (with her writing).

Cathy said...

Your daughter is beautiful! Sorry to hear that you had surgery also, but I'm glad you're doing well. How is Danielle adjusting going back to work? Where is she waitressing?

Cathy, Orlando & Nyssa

sean & kelly said...

Charlie we miss you so much. I wish you and your family could come back for another visit. You look soooo happy! Happy is probably an understatement. Beautiful wife and daughter, I cant wait to meet the girls that put that smile on your heart!