The season is upon us where we're all very busy, busy, busy working extra hours, shopping a bit longer, racing around to put all our ducks in row, so we can relax for one day and enjoy each others company. For me, Christmas gets more exciting the older Cassie gets, and the more I get to know the ones that are close to me with each passing year. We are forever changing in this world, and its good to slow down once in awhile to see why we do the things we do. Another Christmas I can see through the eyes of a three year old and really feel the magic it brings. Having warm thoughts and wishing for good blessings on family far away and enjoying the family that is right here. I forget sometimes how blessed I am in this life, and can become truly grateful for whatever problems that come my way. That God gave me such a wonderful gift, that happiness is my choice. That life is meant to be enjoyed and Family is meant to be loved. This past year hasn't been the easiest for any of us, yet here we are, rushing around looking for just the right thing for Christmas. That pretty cool if you ask me. Love to everyone, Merry Christmas, and have a safe New Year.
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