Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hello from Chris & Lori

Sandi, what a great idea setting up this family blog site! I hope a lot of the family uses this site to keep in touch. I am so sorry I missed you when you visited NJ last weekend. I had a weekend full of commitments which I was unable to get out of (i.e a wedding, christening, & 30th b-day party all in one weekend!). It is great how the family is all trying to plan a family reunion for next year. I really hope it happens. It has been way TOO long since we have all been together! It was great getting to see a lot of the family at my wedding on May 7, 2005. But it was so hard for me to really spend any time with anyone! I know you were not able to attend since Cari was graduating. You must be so proud of her! I cannot believe how big Cari, PJ, & Becky have gotten! I still think of them as little babies! Guess, it is because I haven't really seen them since then! Well, as I mentioned above, I was just married in May to Chris. We went to Hawaii for 2 weeks for our honeymoon (see attached pic). Chris is a police officer in Saddle Brook, NJ (northern NJ, Bergen County). Chris & I just bought a house there, & we will be moving in at the end of September. I will send out everyone my new address once we move. I am working as a Construction Project Manager for a commercial real estate company (which owns & operates 8 office buildings in NJ & NY) based in Rutherford, NJ (northern NJ, Bergen County). Everyone keeps asking when we will be starting our own little family (especially my mom!). We will probably start planning sometime next year. Well, I better go for now. I will scan the big family picture taken at my wedding & add it to this site tomorrow. Sandi, again,,,GREAT IDEA!!! Love Lori & Chris


Sandi said...

Lori: Congratulations to you and Chris! From everything I've heard, your wedding was beautiful! I wish I could have come up for it. I love the idea of the family reunion. I'm under the impression that you're taking charge of organizing that for us (are you?) since you did such an awesome job with all the wedding details...

Lori & Chris Stanton said...

Thank you! Yes, our wedding was very beautiful. We wished you could have come too, but we understood. My wedding started everyone talking about having a family reunion, which I think is a fantastic idea. My dad said he would be in charge getting this organized, but we see that is going nowhere (sorry dad!). I think the 1st thing to do is just set a date everyone can agree on. And then the 'where' can figured out later. I will set up a separate post on the reunion to get things rolling.
Love Lori

Cathy said...

Lori & Chris,

Congrats on your marriage. You make a perfect couple. Lori, your dress was beautiful.

Cathy, Orlando & Nyssa

sean & kelly said...

Lori & Chris, congratulations! I wish we could have been there! Lori{ITS ALL ABOUT THE BRIDE} you look absolutely stunning! Miss you and cant wait to meet Chris. Show more pictures!